Follow the Dandelions...Explore the woods...Smell the Fresh Air...Capture Smiles...Lay in the sun...Draw a picture...Stroll through the city...

If you haven't noticed, I like titling my blog entries after songs. That song is from Dir en Grey. Miss some good Jrock.

Today's dinner made by Roomie! She feeds me a lot.
Hate busy work... kajillion questions to answer for practicum! Been editing photos slowly but surely. Check back Friday!

It's settled...will be paying a visit to Mickey in August =D. DISNEYLAND!!! Glad southwest tickets went back down to it's usual price. Haven't been there since I was like, FOUR. Hopefully it will be better than I was able to comprehend when I was little. The only thing I remember was the Dumbo ride <3. Think I will take that ride for a spin again for old times sake. Gotta party up the three weeks that I can. Can't believe my first year of pharm school is coming to a close... and then becoming SECOND YEAR!

- Melody
GRACE &lt;3
7/15/2010 03:03:30 am

i actually checked your blog today and found this yummmy dish created by ELISA!! and YAYY for DLAND on your big day <3

7/16/2010 09:16:59 pm

looks soooo good!!! ><


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